Too many options equals none. Don’t bitch up in the face of something thats holding you back. It’s not just wanting to break past a limit thats helpful but how you turn that weakness or limitation into a strength. You can make better decisions by using that current block as a guide to circumnavigate it or make a choice that lets you get the best option that benefits you most now and allows you room to grow and upgrade later. Like say for instance you want to decorate your house and you want some statues but you want something like Swizz Beats’ 15ft. tall Kaws statue. The thing is that your bitch ass lives in a 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn and you don’t have the hundreds if not millions to afford it. The amount of space you have prevents you from getting that as well as your measly fucking bank account.
So instead you get some Funko Pops and call it a day They are in your budget, they’re affordable and won’t leave you destitute and homeless in the fucking street. You can do this with interests and hobbies also. If you want to get into photography then you can find your price range for your gear and software if you ain’t trapping out the bandwidth. That limit forces you to weigh what you’re looking for against your price range to find the best solution for the time being. It will not only help you find everything you need because you’ll need to be efficient but you’ll also be able to make better overall decisions because it’ll effect you more if you don’t. Limits are only limits until you use them in your favor. Once you learn that forget what a weakness ever was.