Maybe that nigga Vegeta was onto something. That nigga wanted to not only be the best but be better than one other person so bad that he not only worked but willed himself into becoming a super saiyan. This nigga wanted it so bad that he achieved ultra ego when Goku achieved ultra instinct. Unlike Goku who just loves to fight and wants to do nothing more than become stronger solely for the sake of it this nigga Vegeta wanted to be strong to spite others and laud it over their heads and to that I say “Sounds like a plan.”
You can make incredible gains by embracing pettiness. Wanting to prove someone wrong or to make someone regret something, be the best and destroy the competition. I see nothing wrong with it. Michael Jordan was one of if not still is one of the most petty human beings on the face of the earth. He willed himself into greatness by outworking his competitors and embracing the darker emotions of the human existence.
He would see people accomplish feats against him and talk trash and work 10X’s harder to make them regret it. Kobe Bryant during a particularly tumultuous period in his life used his anger and aggression as a means to becoming a better player and molding a championship team. With people constantly doubting him, wanting to see him fail and him generally being a bit of a pariah at that point created the “Black Mamba” alter ego.
Wanting to put someone in their place, prove someone wrong and make others regret doubting you whilst proving your skill is an incredible means to an end that no one wants to talk about. If it wasn’t a good motivator then why does every man or woman work out or put in extra effort towards a goal like working out after a break up? If it wasn’t a good motivator then why would someone who gets broken up with throw themselves even deeper into their work?
Nothing would make me happier than to show all those who doubted me that I am better. Nothing would make me happier than making them regret seeing me as less than. Nothing would make me happier than to be better than my previous affiliates ever could be and kill them and their egos with success. Fuck kindness. Not only will I destroy their doubts and make them eat their words and feel shame for doing so but I’ll destroy my doubts as well. Embrace the petty.