No one is going to do the work on you for you so get to work. You don’t have the luxury of waiting until you feel ready to act or when the fear subsides. If you want to make a change you have to be the catalyst because codependence ain’t fucking cute. The people in your life have their own lives and they can’t be there to take care of you all the time. When the ones that do that for you are gone all you’ll have left is yourself.
If you’ve done none of the work required to move forward then you’ll just end up realizing that you’ve stayed stagnant in the same place for god knows how fucking long this person was around. Other people can’t be your motivators; you have to be your own. Why wait for someone else to save you when you can save yourself. So get to work because it’s not just about the journey or the destination but being able to look back and see how far you’ve come and realizing that you still have so far to go.