First and foremost I’m back you bitch ass niggas HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Secondly that phrase should be adopted into your vocabulary immediately. A lot of people love to put arbitrary time limits on themselves in regards to a goal or task to be accomplished. That is inherently detrimental because of the fact that this usually comes from comparing yourself to the highlight reel obsessed sycophants on the fucking internet. Its always good to have a timeline and a deadline to push some pep in ya’ step but it shouldn’t come from comparing your journey to another’s. The path to success is not one size fits all. There is no formula and no guarantees. The path to success is plagued with experimentation, innovation and lots of failure. This comes from success not only meaning different things to different people but the trial and error that is need to figure out what works for you.
You can start at 16 or you can start at 60; It’s never too late to begin something new and become someone different. Its always better to start earlier but never let some random and poorly thought out time frame convince you that life can and has to play out one way. Every ending is a new beginning and learning to embrace failure and uncomfortable circumstances will be the key to it. It just won’t play out the same way every time. If you can deal with that and understand that then you’ll be better prepared than most the get to exactly where you see yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that process of change starting later in life so don’t be deterred by this. Its a marathon not a sprint and sometimes the fruits of your labor only start to manifest when your nearing the end.