The message is self-explanatory for obvious reasons. None of the shit you’re hoping to build is going to happen overnight. It also dispels the old myth of this thing called “Writers Block.” Heres a news flash ya fucking dick; There’s no such thing. You’re probably just fucking lazy. When you have this “Block” it’s just some imaginary pressure you’re putting on yourself. Understandably you might have some shit to work through but two things are happening. One is that you’re not working on that shit and two is that you’re neglecting the perfect place to work through it. Whether it’s photography, music, painting or writing, whatever it is that you do has to be garbage before it gets good. Thats how you defeat this nonexistent block. You just make garbage until it’s good.
The thing is when you get this block no one is paying you any attention and its just you and your hobby. No one is watching you and no one is critiquing you. You don’t even have to tell or show anyone anything about what you’re doing, so why bitch about its quality. You are NOT going to get better by neglecting the thing you love. You are not going to magically find this inspiration because when you do it’s usually too late. Inspiration finds you when you’re working towards it NOT waiting for it. Just remember that you are good enough and have the right to make what you want regardless of the quality or the quantity. If you like it then thats enough. It’s yours to treasure and if you keep working and add a dash of luck then you’ll get to exactly where you need to be. So get to work. No one else is gonna do it for you.